Free Chrono Crystals: Finally today may 28, 2018 dragon ball legends launch for Android users and this is not the beta version. I have played this games and I found that chrono crystals can help to achieve more power and new unlocks items in DBL game and dragon ball legends friend codes too.
So today I will tell you how to get free chrono crystals for free and also so many users facing the problem of pvp error which is PVP Error Code: CR190001-0005 I will also tell you the fix.
What Is Dragon Ball Legends?
Dragon Ball Legends Is PvP game for android and ios platform, developed by Bandai Namco. The game has 3D high quality updated graphics with voice over and have and have 32 new character list with level upgrade options.
Dragon Ball Legends Game Play
After installing a game on your smartphone you have to choose a game version to play a game. 1st come complete version and 2nd comes with the lite version, I will recommend going with the complete version.
In the game, you will find Adventure, Story, & PvP battles mode.
To play PvP battle you want to complete tutorials and 1 story in demo mode or you can untick too.
What Is A Special Skill In Dragon Ball Legends?
people are asking what is a special skill in dragon ball legends? so here are the key skills.
Story Mode:
- You can play all new and updated characters which are designed by Akira Toriyama.
- Explore a new adventure with your favourite character son Goku.
PvP Battles:
- You can do real-time battles around D world with one click.
- New power sources updated, now power up with your characters and kick out the competition.
Card Actions:
- You can try new combos using trump card and win the game.
- Get always new update.
How To Get Free Chrono Crystals In Dragon Ball Legends?
After the DZ Legends launch company provides so many offers on chrono crystals and also give 2000+ chrono crystals with energy for free.
How To Get 2000+ Chrono Crystals?
- Install DZ Legends from play store.
- Complete beginning story.
- Collect some reward.
- Now you will see the gift icon at upper right corner.
- And now you will get 2000+ Chrono crystals.
Chrono Crystals Sales {Heavy Discount}
Dragon ball legends running the heavy discount on Chrono crystals you visit sale page via game and you will find all discounted items.
Dragon Ball Legends Hack Generator Tool {SCAM}
Now DZ legends game launch and nowadays you will generator tools to get free dz legends Chrono crystals, but all are fake.
No one can hack the high-security server to get resources for free.
generator owner will say complete one survey you will get unlimited chrono crystals for free but after completing a survey you will get nothing also they steal you dz legend data so never ever try this type of generator.
How To Fix PVP Error Code: CR190001-0005 In Dragon Ball Legends
After launching game users are facing PvP error CR190001-0005 and this problem me and my friends face too so I research and came with two solutions.
CR190001-0005 Fix Via VPN
CR190001-0005 error fixes via any premium VPN for android.
- Download any premium VPN from play store. (Go with NordVPN, ExpressVPN)
- Connect to Japan or India server.
- Clear game cache.
- Launch the game and you pvp will connect.
CR190001-0005 Fix Via Internet (Change wifi to 4G connection)
Simple if you are running game on wifi connection then change with to 4G mobile internet connection and PvP will work.
So these are two 100% working method to fix the CR190001-0005 error.
For me VPN method working fine. You can also go with VPN method.
If any method does not work for you then share this post with the game company website and trust they will take action soon.
Dragon Ball Legends Friend Codes
If you want to play dragon ball legends with your friends then you need Dragon Ball Legends Friend Codes. We have so many dz legends friend codes. suing those codes you can enjoy pvp with any limit errors.
Dragon Ball Legends Friend Codes List
- 000AD434A12BA220
- 598GJO325WPOG85
- 36987BHGR25H69H
- M0236GRPO65GMH
- 36F6R65B55W9F56
- GPO58ED365FG9G
These are friends battle codes.
Dragon Ball Legends Friend Codes List 2019{Weekly Update}
- e5snv36a
- nnbc2m9z
- 84qnhy36
- ss8s8pxd
- khzr7p3w
- ajz8pnvh
- 5t6hyhxw
- 6fab8eev
- bxndqma6
- qpfrnzh7
- 2vaej2hz
- 4v7ky64q
- gxe6ma69
- yp7cab3m
Dragon ball legends friend qr codes{working}
- e5snv36a
- nnbc2m9z
- 84qnhy36
- ss8s8pxd
- khzr7p3w
- ajz8pnvh
- 5t6hyhxw
- bxndqma6
- qpfrnzh7
- 2vaej2hz
- 4v7ky64q
- gxe6ma69
- yp7cab3m
- tyxz7q8d
- xz2b6kgu
- uv8zd5tn
- vyh4vhw8
- dvjfqp5u
- ydcjw3w9
- 7u772ta5
- u9a52yug
- ju9rksrz
Dragon ball legends qr codes {Updated}
- ev9e6mx7
- 85phg5ua
- 4byscm46
- pfdk577u
- xgpttrr9
- xmurwd8b
- ab3h4rxp
- upxa7wfk
- 9dnwems9
- dpk8rt9w
- 9ekndj7t
- 6fab8eev
- nhxaabqm
- vpw25mp7
- m2zp4bu5
- rsnnzwzg
- 8ugmaxqc
- km9yu23b
Dragon ball legends shenron codes
- e5snv36a
- nnbc2m9z
- 84qnhy36
- ss8s8pxd
- khzr7p3w
- ajz8pnvh
- 5t6hyhxw
- 6fab8eev
- bxndqma6
- qpfrnzh7
- 2vaej2hz
- 4v7ky64q
- gxe6ma69
- yp7cab3m
Dragon ball legends friends id
Serial No | Friends Id |
1 | jj59uadt |
2 | 727e9c88 |
3 | tsu9jd5t |
4 | 76e7kgvx |
5 | m9qvc8ne |
6 | qvrs57hrbrfjqyvj |
7 | a6u4azpn2jx2qxmp |
8 | 8ueyexgkshak8w9p |
9 | b6t4au9u |
10 | 968nkqhdr5y7djxu |
11 | svkjfskvkjqaxd6w |
12 | uxgbj227ubs4jdzx |
13 | av5dkab7463c9gjt |
14 | rc4kusp6 |
15 | jtg62k29sptdtw94 |
16 | ausa38q6kmdd7yrr |
18 | d3ys34mg |
19 | hqvvh5b52gukyjt6 |
Final Words
Trust you like our fix and stops to get free resources in future we will add more tricks to get more free resources. Keep visit xavix store for more updates.
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